Mileage Run to Buenos Aires with Turkish Airlines Part 11 - I Was Nearly Scammed! ie "Bird Poo Scam"

Here's the scam detail:

Bird Poop Scam

"There’s a famous “bird poop” scam where someone will spray you with an unknown liquid that looks like bird poop. It catches you off guard and a “bystander” happens to be nearby to help clean it with tissue. The scam is to catch you unsuspectingly and your belongings will be taken from you."

Courtesy of

Before I went on this trip, I've done my research (coz I'm "paranoid" like that...). And read about all the possible scams in Buenos Aires. And it actually happened to me!

OK, my case was slightly different from the typical example.
I was walking around the Pueto Modero area. A middle age guy walking in front of me, no other people nearby, it was lunch time then he suddenly stopped. He seemed to have something on his clothes. He took some tissue out and clean himself. and pretend he was complaining, in Spanish, obviously.

I wasn't interested. just kept walking, then he stopped me. and pointed to my back, I was a bit surprised by that. He must be spraying the shit when he touched my back clothes, then he offered to help me clean with tissues. He seems to have so many tissues ready 😝 It suddenly reminded me of the scam story. So i stopped him and left him, with him waving at me with tissues.
I can tell you that shit really stinks. It smelled like bad vinegar. Always be cautious when travelling abroad.
